OK my trip around the Mediterranean sea was pleasant enough, Cyprus would be a great place to visit anytime not in the winter. Less than 20% of the city of Limasol was open, which made doing anything including eating an adventure. Lots of ruins, did anyone know that Cyprus is/was the birthplace of Aphrodite, I didn't. The work I flew there for was accomplish in a day and I had 3 days to wait before flying to spain for my next job. I visited a lot of ruins (the only thing actually open), historical sights (hard to close holes in the ground) and saw a lot of cats (Cyprus is like Greece that way). New Years in a hotel with a bunch of Romanian's made life interesting though I would have preferred being home. Flying to Cadiz was an exercize in how to lose one's luggage, Cyprus to Athens to Milan to Barcelona to Jerez....my suitcase decided to spend 6 days in Milan leaving me without anything. Thankfully I had a "company charge card" and the base exchange to buy some clothes because the airlines had no idea when I was to receive it. Spain was very cool otherwise Tapas, Sangria, Cafe con Leche (really good for after sangria) and the best little bakery across the plaza from the hotel. Work was more than we expected which made the week pass faster (I always prefer to be active). My suitcase finally arrived the day before I left, which made the next time it got lost all the more amusing....At some point in Madrid it just disappeared...Neither Spanair nor Air France had a clue as to where it was but both said they would insure that I got it (eventually). So I was gone for 13 days and my suitcase was missing for 12days. Air France finally FedEx'd my suitcase from Paris where we had an overnight layover ( I wish I could say I saw something there but other than I nice glass of Bordeaux my stay was uneventful). Both bottles of Sherry and the bottle of Port that I packed made it unbroken (thank you FedEx) and so far the port is outstanding. I do miss the Sangria but it's not warm enough here to make it (yet). Maybe next time I travel I will actually have my luggage.


The musings of Tony Peters, a perpetual child, no matter where I am I will find a way to climb something or go skateboarding Read more »

A good day in the studio

In general this week was horrible I got Gastro and lost a half my remaining class days to finish the pair of sculptures I'm working on.......however today was good I got about 3 hours of alone time in the studio, just my my tools (a pair of angle grinders with wood cutting/shaping disks) a block of wood and a dust collector......... I put about 5 inches of chips in the dust collector and got a good start on the last piece. Go »

Last day skateboarding of 2007

OK I admit that a 41 year old man finding a day of enjoyment skateboarding might sound strange but I find it centers me and provides a source of exercise that I can't find else ware. That said I spent the day working on my tuck, downhilling in a nearby neighborhood. I lost count of the number of times I went down the half mile hill my legs are feeling the hike back up (gotta earn those runs) so I'm gonna guess more than 20 times and I know I listened to at least 6 hours of music on my Ipod. Go »

I am not your baby sitter

Rant....I'm still pissed about this because my hip is sore...as some of you know I still skateboard at the age of 41. Go »

sure ain't kansas

well I've had my MAC for almost a month now and I'm pretty much converted I received my Education edition of Photoshop last week and it didn't take me a day to realized that CS3 is drastically different that CS2...Time to start learning again (not that that is a bad thing)...Thankfully it comes with video workshop I'm about half way through it, funny thing It's kindled an enjoyment to learn again...I Go »

down 40

I stepped on the scale this morning and it read 195....I have run out of holes on my belt and none of my shorts fit... for the most part this is because I ride this bike 5-6 days a week and I'm eating healthy. Go »

vacation and such

well my father, brother and I set out last thursday for Ithaca NY, my father and I on our motorcycles and my brother in his LandCruiser pulling a trailer/tent. The goal was to get from Rhode Island to Ithaca for a family reunion and back by using only back roads. We succeeded and we plenty of adventures to boot...my Go »