What do the following people have in common? Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Wayne Gretzky, Melissa Etheridge, Eddie Murphy, George Lopez, Marilyn Milian, George Clooney, Michael J. Fox, Kim Deal, Boy George, Forest Whitaker, Barack Obama, Susan Olsen, Wynton Marsalis, Heather Locklear, Meg Ryan, Ann Coulter, and Steve West. They're all turning 50 in 2011.

I'm strangely calm about it. I blame the Mayans who've restored a little perspective on it all. I don't feel old. I don't look much like any of the more talented people listed above (some of those guys look older than they should). I still have young kids who keep me young. But they're making me feel old at the same time. I recently played Just Dance 2 on the Wii system with Lauren and it nearly put me in the hospital. But, all in all, life's been good to me so far.

Three Replies to This Year Goes to 11 contd.

Scott Hardie | January 6, 2011
I'm pretty sure none of those people could handle Just Dance 2 either... although I'd pay to see certain ones try it.

Lori Lancaster | January 6, 2011
[hidden by author request]

Amy Austin | January 7, 2011
50 is the new 40. That's why they keep pushing the age of retirement. ;-p

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