Some of my Oscar contest predictions are solely based on my odds of "winning" the contest. I'm curious to find out if what film I really think will win in certain categories comes out on top.

Best Picture: Babel
Best Original Screenplay: Babel
Best Original Score: Babel
Best Film Editing: Blood Diamond
Best Costume Design: Marie Antoinette

Here's looking forward to a good show tonight. I won't have online access where I'm going to watch, so don't look for any changes in the scores until a couple of hours after the show ends.

One Reply to Real Predictions, from a Guy Who Takes This Too Seriously

Scott Hardie | February 26, 2007
Thank goodness for The Formula. I'd have had 57 points by sticking to my instincts.

Logical Operator

The creator of Funeratic, Scott Hardie, blogs about running this site, losing weight, and other passions including his wife Kelly, his friends, movies, gaming, and Florida. Read more »

Pico de Greedo

On Friday, my company threw a part Mexican, part Star Wars party in celebration of Cinco de Mayo and Star Wars Day ("May the 4th be with you"). It was a weird combination but it worked, with games like a lightsaber piñata bash. Kelly made "lightsabers" (pretzel rods frosted with blue and red frosting), but she really got interested when I mentioned that the salsa contest offered three prizes and only had three teams on the signup sheet. Go »

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Russian reporter murdered by the state. When I observed to a Bulgarian friend that Russia seems to be sinking back into its old fascist state by breaking one inviolable law at a time, he remarked that it always was that way and always will be that way. Whatever things we may dislike about our Congress or President, thank goodness they don't murder us for saying so. Go »

Thus Spoke Jeffy

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Logic Rules

(link) Thanks, John. Go »

Trekkers Will Understand

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The News is Furry

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