It got hot all of a sudden the last few days, or what passes for hot in ND in early April (50s). It's like a spring break video out there, people prancing around in bikinis yelling "woo"... OK not quite but there is a marked change in demeanor. And there are people in shorts. Me I'm still in my fuzzy coat because I walk to work in the morning when there's frost on the ground and then I need to bring it home with me somehow..

Anyway.. I like it in the winter when there is nobody on the streets and I don't have to prepare a face to meet the faces that I meet. In all this showy extroversion I just want to hide away.

That's why I live in North Dakota.. .because you people in Florida get this 12 months a year instead of 7 :-)

Edit Sunday: It appears I got my wish, it's snowing and miserable out again :-)

Six Replies to Now I remember why I live in North Dakota

Steve West | April 4, 2008
I swear I need to move there or maybe Sweden. That is the one aspect of Florida that I dread. That when I step off the plane, I'll burst into flames. Even in October, even with SPF infinity, even bandaged more than Michael Jackson. 50 degree heat waves are more my speed but that snow thing. Can't do it. I probably need something more like England with its continual cloud cover.

Denise Sawicki | April 5, 2008
We seem to get our share of 100 degree summer days also. I dunno where you'd need to go to best avoid that. We foolishly went to Winnipeg one summer thinking it might be a couple degrees cooler but no such luck. :)

Steve West | April 5, 2008
No kidding. 100 degrees? Wow. Greenland it is then.

Jackie Mason | April 6, 2008
[hidden by author request]

Steve West | April 6, 2008
Coincidentally, I was talking to my wife about this in all seriousness and Seattle was the place we settled on.

Amy Austin | April 6, 2008
Yes, that is true... British Columbia is even better for avoiding temperatures near 100, and -- as I mentioned once before when Mike E mentioned making a Republican move to the Caymans -- it's the ideal Canadian locale for a political relocation.

Funny... it's still in the 30s & 40s here -- barely ever touching the 50s -- and I was just last night telling a native New Englander friend of mine how much I missed that sensation of walking outside and getting in my car in the summertime in Florida. Seriously... folks have a tendency to overcompensate with the A/C there (I don't appreciate having to wear a sweater at work when it's 100 degrees out), and I would bask in relief in the sauna of my car... for the hopefully less than five minute ride to my destination, of course! (I'm not *completely* out of my mind...)

Don't worry, Steve... by the end of October, the weather is usually quite nice in Florida -- it's actually a good time to visit. August to October is the very best time of year in the Seattle area, too... I've never thought "Indian Summer" so gorgeous anywhere else -- I'm sure you'd like it there (as long as you don't mind a lot of drizzle).

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