Snow time. I don't live in Fargo so I defer to Denise and others for even more horrible snow stories. But the forecast yesterday was for anywhere between 6 and 32 inches of snow depending on a whole bunch of meteorological variables and other mysteries. Looking out my front door this morning I can see they got the "between" part right. That's a lot of damn snow and it's still falling. I remember as a kid when I attended Catholic school, offering some lame excuse to a nun that I couldn't get my homework finished because it had snowed so much over the weekend and I couldn't get out of the house. Our snow shovel had broken and we were really trapped in the house Sister Guido! Therefore, my concerns were focused on survival and not homework. I lied to a nun. I am going to hell. Not just going but taking the Hell Express - no stops. I'm sure all of the nuns at Our Lady Of Perpetual Indegestion that I lied to take some small satisfaction of that sad truth.

Seven Replies to It's That Time Of Year

Jackie Mason | December 20, 2009
[hidden by author request]

Denise Sawicki | December 20, 2009
Miraculously, we've only had about 2 inches of snow so far this winter. It's quite a relief to me since it means we just may be able to avoid another massive life threatening flood next spring before they manage to get the freakin flood protection plan in place.

Actually I better go outside and shovel our latest puny snowfall. If this was what winter was really like this would be a good place to live :P. I do not envy you right now Steve :)

Steve West | December 20, 2009
It turned out to be about 20 inches but it seems to be done. The sun is shining and the melting is working well. I still have a pantload to shovel, though.

Aaron Shurtleff | December 20, 2009
Snow? I remember snow... It seems a distant memory... :P

Amy Austin | December 20, 2009
20 inches?!?!? !!!

Erik Bates | December 22, 2009
[hidden by author request]

Jackie Mason | December 24, 2009
[hidden by author request]

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