We finally went out and got our Christmas tree. Lauren and I trekked to the local Knights of St. Mickey who offer good trees annually and they're pretty nice folks. They have a nice feature to the regular tree offerings in which they take the base of the tree that they've removed and a branch that they trim off also. The base is a circular disc with a hole from the spike that holds the tree up for display. They insert the branch into the hole to make a nice decoration for the holiday. Lauren was thrilled to have her very own "Charlie Brown" Christmas tree. Nice touch fellas.

Speaking of "finally", I also told Lauren the whole truth about Santa. She took the news well, as I knew she would, and thought the notion sweet of there being a little bit of Santa in every parent. She had a lot of questions that I answered truthfully about who ate the Christmas cookies and drank the milk she left out each year, and who wrote the "Thank You" notes in response, and who read the letters she wrote, and who exactly was wearing the suit at the mall and who rode on the back of the fire truck. She wrote a letter to Santa afterward in which she told him that although she knew he wasn't real, she looked forward to having a little girl of her own so she could have a little bit of Santa inside her own heart when giving her gifts. She has such a wonderful heart.

Four Replies to Christmas Tree Shopping

Erik Bates | December 20, 2010
[hidden by author request]

Steve West | December 21, 2010
Aw shucks. I wish that were true. I mostly post about the good stuff. There's plenty of times when I feel like a bastard after something I've said or done and try to make up for it. But overall I think I'm batting about .850. I have to give credit where credit is due - my kids make it easy. Thanks for saying that, though.

Jackie Mason | December 24, 2010
[hidden by author request]

Steve West | December 24, 2010
It seemed the appropriate time. You always want to talk to your child before somebody at school does. Time for Brenda to have that talk soon. God I dread that one.

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