Over the weekend we went to Mills Fleet Farm to pick up the specific present my dad wanted for his birthday. I doubt you have the Fleet Farm in the more "civilized" parts of the world but it is a bit like a Walmart with the addition of things like calf medicine, saddles, fence posts, and a huge amount of hardware, machinery, building supplies, etc. I mostly stick to the more Walmart-like areas of the store, except for that one time when I built a fence :). Anyway while hunting down his present (a garden mirror ball that he means to use for some kind of physics experiment?? Don't ask me :) ) we ran across a chair that we absolutely loved. Now normally I am far from the kind of person who would make impulse purchases, especially of something bigger like furniture, but we loved this chair for some inexplicable reason. The pattern looks 60's to us. It is quite comfy too. Googling it when we got home I had the happy surprise that we actually got it for a considerably lower price than it is offered online. I sure would have felt bad if it was the other way around. Anyhow - I present to you our new chair:

click image to zoom

Six Replies to Chair

Steve Dunn | February 9, 2011
Love that chair! My wife would love it, too...

(Haha, she just walked by and saw the chair on my screen - bent over and scrutinized it - decided she indeed does love it!)

Steve West | February 9, 2011
Brenda had the same reaction (loving it). She saw the picture and immediately began swivelling her head envisioning it in various places around our living room. She ultimately decided that I had to build an addition to our house so we could have a sitting room specifically to feature the chair.

Denise Sawicki | February 9, 2011
Haha... Glad your wives like it. Hope you don't have to build an addition to your house :P

Steve West | February 11, 2011
Rather than build an addition to our house I attempted to mollify Brenda's desire for "new" with this alternative addition to our decor. The Wicked Witch of the East doorstop. I thought it was brilliant. Brenda - not so much.

click image to zoom

Denise Sawicki | February 11, 2011
Haha, that's awesome.

Jackie Mason | February 12, 2011
[hidden by author request]

Prayer for the Paranoid

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