...but someday I'll be Saturday night. Another crazy Bon Jovi song...got to get them out of my car soon! :)

I busted out with a rash yesterday and it's really itchy! It's right in my elbow, too, so every time I flex the arm, it kicks in with the itchy! Yargh!!

Well, I thought I might not make it through the week, but I did, so it's done. Very very busy week. Plus, the visting scientist from Israel is here, and we're not ready for him, and he's running around like he's the sh...stuff. He's really not, though, so he needs to get over it. Too much stress in this place some days.

Otherwise, it's been s-l-o-w in the life. Some friends from South Carolina are in town, so I'm going out to dinner tonight. That means I have to hurry home and shower quick quick like a bunny, though. I do hate to rush my shower time. :(

Do we have to have a song of the day today? :( How's this: "Got The Time" by Anthrax. It's about how I feel right about now.

Can I get $25 million, since my absolute favorite shirt was ruined at work today? I can drop a few tears in court if it'll help! ;)

By the way, for the one person who is interested (Hi, Lori!), I have finally found the anime series which is too cute and random even for me! It's called Panyo Panyo Di Gi Charat, and I can't for the life of me figure out what just happened in the episode I watched on the On Demand service. It does have cute cat people who say, "Nyo" at the end of every sentence, which I am totally down with, but I can't figure out what's happening. I think it's all random. I seriously think someone has a bunch of cards with random plot points, scenarios, items, etc., which he or she picks out at random and throws together into a series of random chaos (yes, I know that all chaos should be random, but go with it!). If it makes sense to someone, I need an explanation. :)

And, yeah, I'll probably watch it again. :D

One Reply to 15-VI-2007 or Feeling Like a Monday...

Lori Lancaster | June 18, 2007
[hidden by author request]


Aaron Shurtleff uses this area as a dumping ground for his random thoughts... Read more »

7-VIII-2006 or Pants off Dance off!

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12-II-2009 or Say What Now?

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